
At Mass we do not just read the Autobiography of God. We relive it. The Mass is a time machine that transports the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and the bloody wounds that connect them from then and there to us here and now. The Mass is advanced technology.

The Mass derives its value from the Cross - from the bloody wounds that we opened in his body. No bloody wounds; no Mass.

Which is the superior form of worship? The Mass or Eucharistic Adoration?

The Mass is a superior form of worship than Eucharistic adoration because the Son of God used his body and blood to point us to his wounds. The Mass is about more than his real presence in the bread ond wine of the most Holy Eucharist. The Son of God points to his bloody wounds to remind us to contemplate the story that unfolded on their near side, the story that unfolded on their far side and the relationship of question and answer that weaves it way through his bloody wounds to tie both sides together. Needless to say, adoration before the most Holy Eucharist is also an acceptable form of worship if the risk that it may not remind us of his bloody wounds is taken into the account.