We can build communities of love or we can tear them down. Pick.

Incubators of Love

When God built the world, he included within his creation incubators of love. An incubator of love is an institution in which love has the potential to germinate, blossom and flourish. Any relationship that fosters love is an incubator of love. The relationship between a mother and her baby is an example of an incubator of love. So is marriage. So is family. So is friendship. So is Church. So is feeding the hungry, clothing the naked,  caring for the sick and other blessed acts of charity. The enemies of humanity want to destroy the incubators of love. Abortion is evil because it nips in the bud the love between a mother and her baby. Divorce is evil because it nips in the bud the love between a husband and a wife. Turning the beggars at your door away empty-handed is evil because it nips in the bud the love between a donor and a beneficiary. The friends of humanity desire to promote, to protect and to propagate love. They put themselves between incubators of love and our enemies who want to destroy them. You can tell the difference between a friend of humanity and an enemy by their attitude toward and their treatment of the incubators of love.

1) Rename the March for Life the March for Love.

2) When we champion love, we champion life.

3) Emphasize that abortion is not just an offense against life but an offense against love. Abortion is evil because it nips in the bud the love between a mother and her baby. It destroys the ability for love to germinate, bloom and flourish.

3) God established a number of natural communities into the fabric reality to foster the growth of love. They are incubators of love - reservoirs of love. The relationship of mother and child is a reservoir of love. There are others. Marriage, family, friendship, and Church are examples of others.

4) A world in which reservoirs of love flourish is a better world than a world in which they are snuffed out.

5) The friends of humanity desire to promote, to protect and to propagate these natural communities. They put themselves between the reservoirs of love and the enemies who want to poison them - to destroy them.

5) You can tell the difference between a friend of humanity and an enemy by their attitude toward and their treatment of communities of love.