The Invasion of the Kingdom of God into the Valley of Tears

God launched an invasion into the Valley of Tears (Hail Holy Queen). "Cry 'Havoc!,' and let slip the dogs of war" (Shakespeare). God, however, did not send a military general at the head of an army bristling with weapons into the Valley of Tears to wage war against the infidels (Matthew 26:53). He sent something more powerful than an army (Isaiah 55:8-9). Instead of an army, He sent a Love Note. The Love Note invaded the Valley of Tears riding, not a tank, but a cross as Don Quixote rode Rocinante (Wikipedia). The only weapon that the Love Note carried into the Valley of Tears was the revelation that God is head over heels in love with us (Jeremiah 31:3). Because love begets love, the revelation is the catalyst of conversion - the spark that ignites the fire of transformation (Luke 12:49) - the trigger that launches an avalanche of love. The revelation is the good news of great joy. The news does not get any better than news that God is head over heals in love with us! By virtue of this revelation, God plans to conquer the world. What chutzpah! How audacious is our God? Does an invasion into the Valley of Tears whose cornerstone is love have even the slightest chance of succeeding (Psalm 118:22) (Luke 20:17) (Mark 12:10) (Isaiah 28:16) (Matthew 21:42)?


The Kingdom of God is Encroaching into the Valley of Tears Inch by Inch One Christian at a Time

The revelation that God is head over heels in love with us was published by Jesus, the Son of God, during his invasion into the Valley of Tears more than two thousand years ago at and about the City of Jerusalem in a part of the world known as the Middle East. Is it possible to pinpoint the precise location and the precise manner of the revelation’s publication? Can we be specific?

The location of the revelation’s publication was the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. There the revelation was released. The road from the Crucifixion to the Revelation was designed to serve as the “bank” into which Jesus deposited the revelation that God is head over heels in love with us (Matthew 13:44). The revelation is the treasure of Christianity. God invites us to withdraw the revelation from his account at the “bank”. God is overjoyed to share his wealth with us (Matthew 6:19-21).  He wants to make us rich (Isaiah 55: 1-2).

The manner of the revelation’s publication was in a demonstration of divinity that took place on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. It is ironic but the Word of God (John 1:1) wasn't an author. He was a carpenter (Mark 6:3). The carpenter built his most apocalyptic revelation into the demonstration of divinity that took place on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. The manner of publication was designed to guarantee the genuineness of the revelation. The Love Note did not just tell us about God; the Love Note showed us God. Divinity was done not just said. Without words, the good news of great joy was preached to us.

The revelation that God is head over heals in love with us is the epicenter of Christianity. There, on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, the Love Note established an outpost - a foothold - a stronghold - of the Kingdom of God in the Valley of Tears. Thence, it is slowly and steadily encroaching into the Valley of Tears inch by inch one Christian at a time.