
The Transmission of Information from Heaven to Earth

Jesus came to testify to the truth .

Information does not ordinarily pass across the abyss that seperates heaven and earth especially the knowledge of God. It hides behind an event horizon . To transmit it, it needs to be downloaded. The data needs to be dropped. Jesus was a data drop . The Word of God was the download of the data from the far side of the event horizon to the near side.

What information passed from the far side of the event horizon to the near side? What knowledge passed from up there to down here? What knowledge did Jesus download?

We tortured and killed the God who loves us . What a mistake! What were we thinking? How big of an idiot were we? Where in this gruesome, bad news story is the good news of great joy? Wait! Have patience! The story is not over. The good news of great joy comes next . Our God forgave us . No way ! Yes way! Wow! Our almighty lover forgave us for the evil that we did to him. The story is now complete. Behold the epicenter of Christianity! Behold the foundation of our understanding of God! Catch a glimpse of our God from here on earth! Take a peek at divinity! The greater is the offense, the more amazing is the forgiveness ! The offense does not get any greater than torturing and killing our God.

The forgiveness that Jesus released into the Valley of Tears on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection illuminated the darkness of our understanding of God in a glorious burst of epiphany. Jesus showed God to us as the God who forgives . He forgave his companion on the Cross . He forgave us . He asks us to forgive our neighbors seventy times seven times . "... as we forgive those who trespass against us, he forgives us." . To know forgiveness is to know God. Jesus leveraged our understanding of forgiveness into an understanding of God.

In fact, when Jesus downloaded the knowledge of God and deposited it into the revelation that erupted from the violent collision that took place between himself and the evil that we did to him, he started the revolution that is Christianity. The knowledge of God is changing the world. It is resetting the world on a new foundation - a foundation of love.

Stewing in the evils of the valley of Tears Defangs the Serpent

All of our complaints against God's rescue plan originate from our intimate contact with the evils of the Valley of Tears. Yet, our baptism in the evils of the Valley of Tears brings multiple blessings to us. One of the blessings is that our baptism in the evils of the Valley of Tears defangs the serpent. It drains the serpent's lie of its power to deceive.

The serpent testified that we would become gods, without God, in the Valley of Tears . God, however, gave conflicting testimony. God testified that, without God in the Valley of Tears, we would die .

Our personal experience with the evils of the Valley of Tears proves that the serpent’s testimony was false and God’s testimony was true. It unmasks the lie and the liar . It slays the monster of falsehood. It shatters the sugarcoating that the serpent poured over the hostile truth of the Valley of Tears as the blow of a sledgehammer shatters glass. The Valley of Tears sucks. Reality itself packs a much more persuasive punch than the representations of reality from either God and the serpent. God lets us put our fingers in the fire to learn for ourselves that the fire is hot. Having testified falsely to us once, will we ever believe the serpent again ? Stewing in the evils of the Valley of Tears is the evidence from which the jury can reach the right verdict. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" .

[Note: This is one of the solutions for the problem of evil.]

The Blog of the New Exodus

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The serpent sugarcoated the toxicity of the Valley of Tears

The serpent sugarcoated the toxicity of the Valley of Tears

Divorcing themselves from God was the original sin of Adam and Eve. The children of Adam and Eve tend to repeat it. They want their inheritance now (Luke 15: 12) to enjoy it themselves without God. They do not understand that their inheritance is not what makes life sweet. God’s power built paradise for us. Power begets respect. God’s love for us, however, makes paradise sweet. Love begets love. Love, not the inheritance, is the treasure (Luke 15:29-32). The prodigal son picked the wrong treasure. His elder brother picked wisely though he did not understand the wisdom of his choice (Matthew 6:33).

Jesus Violated the Prime Directive

Jesus Violated the Prime Directive

JESUS HUNG FROM HIS CROSS TO TEACH US HOW TO HANG FROM OUR CROSSES. The Son of God did not transport and demonstrate pie-in-the-sky, head-in-the-clouds technology. He transported and demonstrated down-to-earth, practical technology. We can use it today, not just tomorrow, profitably. It is relevant to this world not just to the next. Furthermore, the technology is platform agnostic. It works whether you are a Roman Catholic, other Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan, Atheist, Saint, Sinner or something else. It is open source technology. It is catholic in the broadest sense of the word. No religion has a monopoly over it.