Danger Invites Rescue

Our predicament in the Valley of Tears is dire. God wants us to be rescued. However, God wants us to rescue ourselves. Is there a way for God to reduce the likelihood that we will fail to find salvation to near zero?

Suffering is the glue that binds the children of Adam and Eve to the gift of paradise.

God had delivered the gift of life and the gift of paradise simultaneously to Lucifer, to the gaggle of angels who follow Lucifer, to Eve and to Adam. Yet, they all fumbled the ball. They all let the gift of paradise slip through their fingers. For the children of Adam and Eve, God inserted a delay between the gift of life and the gift of paradise. During the delay we are baptized in the evils of the Valley of Tears. The delay is harsh but effective medicine. Having put our fingers into the flames, we know for ourselves and with certainty that the fire is hot.

The prodigal son will never go back to the pig sty. Neither will we. We are disobedient not irrational.