Diluting the bitterness

What is lacking in the afflictions of Christ?

 What is lacking in the afflictions of Christ?

Jesus poured the sweet syrup of forgiveness from the reservoir of love that he held in his most Sacred Heart, through his bloody wounds, and into the Valley of Tears to diute its toxicity in the same way that sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee. Dilution is God's solution to the toxicity of the Valley of Tears.



Jesus invaded the Valley of Tears to show us the way through the evils of the Valley of Tears. He blazed a trail through it for us. He invites us to follow him through Valley of Tears on the trail that he blazed.

Jesus Commandeered a Cross and Reconfigured its Message to Neutralize the Serpent's Anti-God Propaganda

Jesus Commandeered a Cross and Reconfigured its Message to Neutralize the Serpent's Anti-God Propaganda

To neutralize the the serpent’s anti-God propaganda, Jesus commandeered a cross - the instrument of our woe - and repurposed it to offer us a contradiction.

Cognitive Reorganization

Cognitive Reorganization

Instead of trying to reorganize God’s thinking around our plan for ourselves, is it possible to reorganize our thinking around God’s plan for us? Can we pivot around God instead of trying to get God to pivot around us? Can we regroup and sally forth into the Valley of Tears with an understanding of what God wants us to do not what we want done?



God sent us a Love Note to dilute the toxicity of the Valley of Tears. Jesus was the first drop. Our job is to turn the drop into a flood. God wants us to become Love Notes like Jesus. He wants us to irrigate the Valley of Tears with love to turn it into the gardens of the new Eden here on earth. Our job is done here and now not hereafter and elsewhere. Our job is to pour the sweet syrup of love into the toxic brew held in the Valley of Tears.

What is the solution to the “bitterness” problem?

What is the solution to the “bitterness” problem?

Our solution to the problem of bitterness is different than God’s solution. We want God to remove the bitterness from the Valley of Tears or to remove us from the bitterness. God is of a different opinion (John 17:15). God wants us to dilute the bitterness of the Valley of Tears with love as sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee. Only by loving do we fill the earth with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9) (Habakkuk 2:14).

God wants us to dilute the Bitterness of the Valley of Tears with the Sweetness of Love

God wants us to dilute the Bitterness of the Valley of Tears with the Sweetness of Love

God wants us to pour the sweet syrup of love into the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. Our perception of the solution to our dire predicament in the Valley of Tears is different than God’s. We want him to remove the bitterness. He wants us to dilute it. There is a difference in opinions. His prevails.

We are not on the same page as God

We are not on the same page as God

Are we on the same page as God? Our perception of the problem is the same as God’s. The problem is the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. The sour truth plays rough. It bites. It chews us up and spits us out as bits and pieces. Furthermore, its tongue is as sharp as its teeth. Its tongue generates virulent anti-God propaganda. Our perception of the solution , however is different. We want God to address the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. God wants us to address it. He wants us to dilute it (John 17:15) as sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee.. God wants us to pour the sweet syrup of love into the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. There is a difference in opinions. His prevails