Our job

Participation is the job of the Church; Transformation is the job of God

Participation is the job of the Church; Transformation is the job of God

God put the Church in charge of participation not transformation. God reserved the job of transformation for himself. The process of salvation goes off the rails when the Church arrogates to itself the job of God.

God wants us to dilute the Bitterness of the Valley of Tears with the Sweetness of Love

God wants us to dilute the Bitterness of the Valley of Tears with the Sweetness of Love

God wants us to pour the sweet syrup of love into the bitterness of the Valley of Tears. Our perception of the solution to our dire predicament in the Valley of Tears is different than God’s. We want him to remove the bitterness. He wants us to dilute it. There is a difference in opinions. His prevails.