The Mass

Why do I go to Mass? The bread and wine of the Eucharist are the throne of the Son of God upon the earth. His palace is the Mass. His throne is not empty. He sits upon it, His palace is not vacant. He occupies it. At Mass, I am granted an audience with the King who loves me and who guaranteed His love for me at Calvary. "How do we convince them that we love them? We let them torture and kill us and continue to love them nonetheless. If this does not convince them that we love them, nothing will". The survival of His love for us at Calvary guaranteed that His love for us is genuine.  If God's love for us were counterfeit, it would have faded as we tortured Him and died when we killed Him. However, it did not. His love for us survived. At Calvary, He offered to us the gifts of His body and His blood even though they were His to keep and not ours to take. And we took them. Moreover, He continues to offer the gifts of His body and His blood to us at Mass. Why? Why does He continue?  He continues to offer us the gifts of His body and His blood at Mass to remind us of the exorbitant price He freely and willingly paid so we could be certain that His love for us is genuine. His body and His blood were the purchase price - the ransom. He paid the cost of the guarantee of His love for us not from His limitless divine resources but from his limited human resources. He paid it all for us. He kept not a penny for Himself. He has never paid more for anything else. As precious are our body and blood to us, they were as precious to Him.  Why would the Son of God pay so much to convince us? To God, we are the pearl of great price. To God, we are the treasure buried in the field. To God, we are worth the exorbitant price of body and blood that He let us take from Him at Calvary so He could continue to love us nonetheless. This sequence of events - our taking of His body and blood and His continuing to love us nonetheless - tells us that the nature of God is indestructible love for us. The dial that controls His love for us is in His hands not ours. Furthermore, it is set to the highest degree and is locked in place. By once again taking the body and blood of Christ at Mass, we are declaring that we are convinced - His sacrifice at Calvary was not in vain. By once again taking the body and blood of Christ at Mass, we are telling God that we believe - that we understand - the magnitude of their love for us. By once again taking the body and blood of Christ at Mass, we are saying to God, "Wow!".