Rebuilding the gardens of the new Eden in the Valley of Tears

Rebuilding the gardens of the new Eden in the Valley of Tears. We want God to do it. God wants us to do it. There is a difference in opinions. His prevails. God started the process of rebuilding the gardens of the new Eden in the Valley of Tears . Howevever, he did not finish it. Our job is to finish it. On the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, Jesus laid the foundation of the gardens of the new Eden. The first tree of the garden of the new Eden grew on the road from the Crucifixion to the Resurrection. . There, He bore fruit. The fruit of the Jesus tree were the seeds of forgiveness. We tortured and killed him. He forgave us . He planted the seeds of forgiveness in the soil of our hearts. The seeds of forgiveness shall make the Valley of Tears fertile and fruitful . The seeds of forgiveness turn into trees of love. Love bears fruit "some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold" . God wants many to enjoy the fruits of love in the gardens of the new Eden here and now in the Valley of Tears.