The Only Conversation that Matters

God is not dead. Indeed, God is very much alive. However, the conversation about God is dead. Killing the conversation about God is tantamount to killing God. The enemies of the Church know this. The Church does not. Can we devote 50% of the conversation to God? Is 50% too much to ask?

Jesus published the story of God in the Valley of Tears. The vehicle that carried the story from its beginning, through its middle, to its end was Jesus's flesh and blood. JESUS REVEALED GOD TO US IN A STORY THAT COMMENCED WITH THE DOFFING OF HIS INVINCIBLE ARMOR OF DIVINITY AND THE DONNING OF OUR FRAIL UNIFORM OF FLESH AND BLOOD, CONTINUED WITH THE EQUALIZATION OF HIS FLESH AND BLOOD AND OUR FOOD AND DRINK AT THE LAST SUPPER AND CLIMAXED WHEN JESUS FORGAVE US FOR THE BRUTAL EVIL THAT WE DID TO HIS FLESH AND BLOOD ON THE ROAD FROM THE CRUCIFIXION TO THE RESURRECTION. The story about God is Jesus's greatest parable. The story repeats itself in real time during every Mass as the bright beacon of a lighthouse repeats itself over and over and over again. The story of his flesh and blood that Jesus released into the Valley of Tears illuminates the darkness of our understanding of God in a glorious burst of epiphany. It upgrades our understanding of God.

We know that God has a presence. But, does God have a story in addition to his presence? Indeed, he does. So, why don't we read it and retell it? Why don't we read and retell the story of God? Why do we emphasize the presence of God and not the story of God? God is not a cipher. He is not a blank slate. He is more - much more - than a ghostly inscrutable presence that hovers mysteriously around us. Why don't we read the story about God and retell it?

Only one conversation matters.


Merry Christmas. Wishing that you and everyone will come to know the love of God. Jesus was the first drop (1 John 4:19) in the process of "[f]ill[ing] the earth with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea" (Isaiah 11:9) (Habakkuk 2:14) (Hosea 6:6) . Our job is to turn the drop into a flood. The evil that we did to Jesus opened bloody wounds in his body. Unilaterally, gratuitously and unconditionally Jesus transformed his bloody wounds into the floodgates of forgiveness. Through them. the sweep syrup of love poured into the Valley of Tears to dilute its toxicity as sugar cubes dilute the bitterness of a cup of bad coffee. By following Jesus's flesh and blood from the beginning, through the middle and to the end of the story of God, we discover that the story of God ends happily for the children of Adam and Eve. The story of God ends with us receiving from our God the sweet syrup of love in the form of forgiveness - a full pardon. Via the unilateral, gratuitous and unconditional gift of forgiveness for the brutal evil that we did to his flesh and blood, Jesus filled us with the knowledge of God as water fills an empty glass. "... for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more" (Jeremiah 31:31-34) (Luke 23:34) (Matthew 26:28) .