To Answer our question, “Who are you, God?”, God sent us a Love Note.

Who are you, God?

To answer our question, 'Who are you, God?', God sent us a love note. God did not send us a threat, a warning or another type of information. God was not ambiguous. To convey the nature of God to us, God had many options. Yet, the option he settled upon was forgiveness . Doesn't this tell us all we need to know about God? P.S. God did not just send us a love note to answer our question, 'Who are you, God?'. God also verified the genuineness of the love note by putting it to the test. If the love note were counterfeit, his love for us would have faded as we tortured him and would have died when we killed him. But it did not. His love for us survived the evil we did to him. Proof.