The House Divided

Either we are in this thing together or we are not

The show must go on. Congregations are optional. How easily have the aristocracy and royalty of the Church abandoned their congregations! Without any difficulty have they continue without us! In the age of Covid-19, the peasantry of the Church is acknowledged as superfluous. The aristocracy and royalty have left us behind. The illusion of solidarity among aristocracy, royalty and peasantry is shattered. The aristocracy and royalty have dispensed with the peasantry. They discard us as insouciantly as a used toilet tissue is discarded. We are not in this thing together. The house is divided (Mark 3:25). A house divided against itself cannot stand (Mark 3:25). Those sanctimonious aristocrats and royals of the Church who hold themselves aloof from the peasantry on account of their self-ordained superiority are contributing to the collapse of the Church. The aristocracy and royalty have no respect for the peasantry of the Church. This lack of respect is one of the reasons fewer and fewer of the peasantry go to Mass and none go to Confession.

No Mass for the peasantry of the Church; no Mass for the aristocracy and royalty of the Church. Either we are in this thing together or we are not. Pandemic has exposed the fault lines in the Church!


Imagine! Our bishop chained the doors of God’s Church! Isn’t the obstruction of the pursuit of God a policy of the serpent? The minions of the serpent couldn’t do a better job! Whose side is his Excellency on anyway? What a scandal! Not so excellent is His Excellency, is he? His Excellency screwed the pooch (Slate). The chains on the door of God’s Church destroyed our confidence in leadership, once again. Pray, pay and obey, they continue to say. Hogwash!


God built an escape route from godlessness to paradise, defined it with holy places, made a map of them, established a Church, entrusted the map to the Church and gave the leadership of the Church a mission. The mission was to facilitate the escape - not to frustrate it, not to filter it and not to foul it up. Leadership is the grease for the wheels of the escape and not an obstacle in its way (Isaiah 57:14). If leadership gets in the way of the escape, the children of Adam and Eve go around them, over them, under them and through them. Leadership makes itself irrelevant. The escape from godlessness to paradise is primary. Nothing else matters. Everything else is secondary. Anything that interferes is suspect. Only by making our escape from holy place to holy place that define the escape route from godlessness to paradise can we be sure that we are heading in the right direction. The movement of the escape forms the needle of the compass that always points to God.